The City of Minneapolis runs a program called STEP-UP, which is a summer job program for Minneapolis youth ages 14-21. The city pays youth their wages, and the youth get job experience at different companies and organizations around the city. Bethel has two STEP-UP interns working for us this summer: Caleb and Brooklynn. They will help out in the office, around the grounds, with custodial, with kids, and tons of other things. Welcome!
Here is Caleb's introduction of himself:
Hi, my name is Caleb Lingel-Macias. I’m 15 and I live in south Minneapolis with my mom and brother. During the school year, I go to South High. This summer I will be working as an intern, through the STEP-UP program, at the Bethel Church. I’m looking forward to working here, it seems like a fun filled place (not to mention huge) with lots to do and plenty of people to help out. I’m especially looking forward to tasks like gardening and other outdoor activities. This is my first job ever so I’m excited I can have a job I enjoy.
Caleb will also be reporting regularly about his experience at Bethel. Here is his first blog entry!
To be honest, the first impression I got was “this place is huge!” I’ve never seen a church this big, let alone one that takes up a whole city block. But after my amazement at Bethel’s size, I noticed how interestingly the building is set up. It has lots of classrooms, all with clever names (Thou Art! Studio, HolyWord theater, the list goes on). I was especially surprised that the church was built on a swamp. So while the first impression was about the size, the final impression is about the quality of what they do here which is help out the community. The people working here seem friendly, and they’re all easy to get along with. Overall, Bethel seems like a fun place to be AND a fun place to work.