Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday Spoken Word

Not so long ago, we Harked the Herald Angels Sing.
In the celebration of light, the Son was born again.

Gifts were given, love was shared.
Around a table of Christmas fair.
And Jesus, upon this earth did cry.
A baby’s whimper, a mother’s sigh.

Just seven short weeks ago, it seems
We sat in the stable, and dreamed their dreams.

Mary and Joseph had had a boy

Reality, too soon, overshadowed this joy.

Wise ones, they traveled, and avoided the king.
The one who feared what this baby might bring.
The slaughter of children brought darkness in
the worlds true identity ~~ we are smothered in sin.

But Jesus grew quickly, A rabbi, a teacher
Calling us all to do what he preaches

To bring sight to the blind
Food to the poor
To the homeless and helpless,
Open our doors.

Break chains of injustice, free the oppressed
Stop blaming victims, end disease and distress.

Reconcile community, define our foundation
Jesus calls us ~ to proclaim to all nations.

Not to earn anything
To be good enough
But because we are loved
We must give us up

To give of our lives to serve our great king
The one who is willing to do the same thing

To give up his life in love for us all
To right what is wrong, and answer his call

See, Jesus was born on this earth to forgive
To offer salvation, so all of us live ->
A life we are freed to serve one another
To give what we have to sister and brother
To sibling, to stranger, to enemy and friend
He came to this earth so that hatred could end.

The carols and lessons again in the past,
A time of reflection, confession and fast.
We gather this night to turn to the cross
To humbly kneel, to admit   we   are   lost

Lost in the hoopla, society, greed
In sin we are broken, we are in great need

“Remember you are dust, and to dust you return”
This dust, at our end, is all we can earn

But Jesus, well Jesus, insisted on love
Came to this earth to give hatred a shove
To change who we are by taking on death
To revive our souls and give us new breath

Death is defeated, no longer has claim
In your life, in my life, we call on Christ’s name

This season of Lent, brings shadows to light
Makes us more honest about daily strife

Are we as willing to give as Christ gives?
To give up ourselves so that others may live?
To right what is wrong, with family and friends
To offer forgiveness ~~  again and again and again and again?

See, Jesus knew what would happen to him
That excruciating death that would wipe away sin

So, this Lent we reflect, confess, meditate
On our Savior who died, to change all our fate.

He brings light to our darkness and hope from within
So, we kneel at this cross, we confess our sin.

                                               ~ By Pr Brenda L Froisland.  All are free to use with appropriate credit given.

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